Cartography Module

This week's experience focused on map layouts, specifically with how best to present the required information about the data and project. The map shows the location of UWF in Escambia County, mostly focused towards new UWF students that would need to know where the campus is as well as the closest cities without getting distracted or overwhelmed with other information. This week's lab assignment showed us the essential map elements required as well as providing an example to practice how to be mindful on how we present our information rather than simply placing the data anywhere on the page.
I'm missing the labels for the city names, but something went wrong with my save file and I ran of time to correct it. Providing the actual names of the cities in Escambia County would provide an importance reference for the map readers. If I had the time, I would have selected the Escambia Cities Feature layer so that it would open the Feature Layer Tab. I would have found the Label Button and input NAME into the Label Field then chosen Banner Text (Black) from the Text Symbol Styles and chosen Basic Offset Point under Label Placement to avoid any overlapping of features.



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