Final Project


The Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line Project showcased the intricate dance between technological advancement and environmental stewardship. Through persistent GIS analyses, the project navigated the delicate balance of infrastructure development with ecological and social considerations. This journey highlighted the importance of integrating community input and environmental sensitivities into planning and demonstrated GIS's power in crafting solutions that respect nature and neighborhood. The map above shows the basemap for the Study Area. I found it surprisingly difficult to create my own basemap since I've always taken advantage of the ones provided by ArcGIS Pro. Overall, this was one of the most influential projects I've done because this was required using a combination of provided data as well as having to collect and download my own data to fit within the defined requirements. I definitely learned that you can become quickly overwhelmed with layers you create and its important to name them appropriately (or else you're having to check which one is which).

Reflecting on the experience, it's clear that the project was more than a technical exercise; it demonstrated the potential of GIS to bridge the gap between human needs and environmental preservation. The project emphasized the value of informed decision-making in infrastructure development by meticulously evaluating the impact on homes, schools, and sensitive lands and estimating the transmission line's length and potential cost. 


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